Zoey 101

Zoey 101 is an American television series which originally aired on Nickelodeon from January 9, 2005 until May 2, 2008. It focuses on the lives of teenager Zoey Brooks and her friends as they attend Pacific Coast Academy, a fictional boarding school in Southern California. It was created by Dan Schneider. It was initially filmed at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, then at stages in Valencia, California beginning in season 3. It was nominated for an "Outstanding Children's Program" Emmy in 2005. Zoey 101 was the most expensive production ever for Nickelodeon series, as it was shot completely on location in Malibu. It was also Nickelodeon's best performance for a series premiere in almost eight years. Despite this, many critics have made negative comments about the show, its setting, and its characters.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 23m

Release: 2005

Rating: 8.1

Season 1 - Zoey 101
"Zoey begins life at PCA. She is nervous about the situation at first, but gets more comfortable when she meets her new friends; Dana, Quinn, Chase,Nicole, Logan, Michael. The girls and boys try to adjust to girls being allowed to attend PCA for the first time."
"Zoey's roommates, Nicole and Dana, constantly fight. So then, she decides to move in with the girl named, Quinn. After Zoey moves in, she thinks that it wasn't a good idea that she moved. So then, she wants to move back in with Nicole and Dana. But when she sees that Nicole and Dana are enjoying themselves after Zoey moves, she decides just to stay with Quinn, since she doesn't want to hurt her feelings. Meanwhile, Logan is pressuring Chase into keeping Zoey away from her roommates so Chase can spend more time with her."
"Logan brings a present for the girls, a bear for the girls' lounge. Then people find out their secrets (i.e. Quinn eats baby food) and the girls start to blame each other for telling their secrets. And later trying to find out who is the culprit."
"When a school bully forces Dustin to do his homework for him, Zoey confronts the bully in public, embarrassing Dustin in the process and further enraging the bully. So Dustin decided that Zoey is babying him too much. He goes to Chase and Michael for advice and tries to tell Zoey that he can defend himself by his own. Meanwhile, Zoey, Nicole, Dana, Chase, and Michael try to hide their dog, Elvis away from their dorm advisor, since it's against school rules for having pets on campus. Logan did not appear in this episode."
"Prank Week, a PCA tradition where returning students prank new ones, has begun. The boys prank the girls multiple times, so the girls decide to prank the boys back (which violates tradition because new students are not supposed to do anything about it except getting pranked). The boys were supposed to keep a statue of the founder of PCA clean, so Zoey comes up with a prank and the girls put women's clothes on it. But when the son of PCA's founder sees it, he is very angry, and tells the girls that its going to be their last semester at PCA and that no more girls are going to PCA. So then after all the sadness from the girls, Zoey tries to figure out a way of how the girls can stay at PCA."
"During this episode, Mr. Bender has invited a special friend of his to come and show the class a new scooter called \"Jet X\". He has asked the whole class to get into groups and organize group commercials. He said the winning commercial will get aired on TV. 100 times. Chase, Michael, & Logan form a group, which Logan gets his dad's special equipment for his commercial and a celebrity. While Zoey, Dana, & Nicole begin fighting over the video, Zoey puts all their ideas together."
"Chase writes a play, and he is cast as the lifeguard, and Zoey is cast as the alien, who he gets to kiss. Chase is excited, but then Logan auditions and gets the part instead. Chase becomes obsessed with what will happen between Logan and Zoey. Meanwhile, Dustin has a fever and Quinn tries to cure him by using one of her \"Quinnventions\"."
"Quinn has a crush on a boy named Mark, but is too afraid to ask him out. She asks Zoey to ask him out for her, resulting in Quinn thinking she's going out with Mark. Zoey, worried that Quinn will find out that she's not really going out with Mark, asks Chase to go on a double date with her, Mark,and Quinn. Meanwhile, Dustin takes care of Elvis while the other boys are busy, even though he's afraid of animals."
"Zoey, Dana, Nicole sign up for the spring-fling committee in order to get Drake Bell to perform at their spring-fling. But when they find out they have to have $5,000 for Drake to play at spring-fling, Zoey and the gang put up a fund-raiser."
"When Nicole pays for a backpack she messed up at the bookstore, she is broke and calling the backpack stupid. But when Zoey re-designed the backpack using her ideas, Nicole likes it and keeps it. Later on, Zoey's backpack idea is stolen from a girl named, Stacy and she makes a lot of money. So then Zoey and the gang try to seek revenge on her."
"In this episode the gang is worn out from always running in gym class. Nicole keeps throwing up and is tired of it. To solve this, they decide to put together a disc golf team to keep them from doing gym class. Also, Michael is not happy with his weight due to him being addicted to chips, so he gets Quinn to solve his problem"
"The school dance committee implements an experimental personality-based partner selection process. So, Chase tries to get matched up with Zoey, and so he does whatever it takes to get matched up with her. But of course, his plan backfires when another guy gets matched up with her as well as him. Zoey must pick between Chase and Glen, the other guy. Chase is upset and tries to get Zoey to pick him."
"It's the end of the semester and Zoey and her friends are excited for PCA's annual beach party but... they end up going to the wrong beach unsupervised. It turns out that they aren't at Mystic Beach (where the big PCA party is) and have no way of getting back. But, they throw their own party and Quinn works her magic and finds a way to go back home."
Season 2 - Zoey 101
"It's the second semester at P.C.A. Dana left for the European Exchange Program so, Zoey and Nicole need a new roommate. When they come back to their dorm a gothy, freaky girl named Lola, who in the episode drinks raw eggs and tries to pierce herself. is in their room and learns that Lola is their new roommate. Meanwhile, Michael and Chase have to deal with Logan, who goes completely overboard on the entertainment system for their new dorm room."
"Mr Bender decides to have each person in his class put an item that best represents them into a time capsule. Chase is desperate to know what Zoey has said about him in the video she made to put in the time capsule, and will go to any lengths to find out. Also, Nicole tries to help Quinn to stop snoring."
"It's election time again, class presidents have to be voted for and Chase and Zoey end up nominating each other. Then they make pact of whatever happens, they promise that the election won't affect their friendship. But then later on, things get spicy between them."
"Every Halloween at PCA, the secondary makes a haunted house for the lower school. This year, Logan is in charge. He promises everybody that the haunted house will not just make them scream but it will make them cry. But when Dustin and his roommate, Jack, get \"lost\" in the haunted house, Logan starts to get scared and starts to wonder where Dustin and his roommate have gone. Michael gets chased all over PCA by some French tourists who think he is ill, and Nicole gets a case of mistaken identity when she chases Mark. Lola did not appear in this episode."
"Dustin's new girlfriend, Trisha Kirby (Jennette McCurdy), turns out to be a very naughty girl. Zoey sends Chase to persuade Tricia to stop going out with Dustin and go for someone older. She gets the wrong idea and Trisha and Chase are boyfriend and girlfriend. Oops. so Chase and Zoey pretend to be girlfriend and boyfriend . Meanwhile, Michael tells Logan about his crush on Lola and end up getting sprayed by a skunk."
"Chase and Michael start an online show, The Chase & Michael Show. Zoey and Logan have their own segment on it called \"He Says, She Says\" and it all goes wrong when all the boys and girls begin fighting, so Dean Rivers cancels their show. Meanwhile, Nicole is depressed because she is failing Algebra because of cute boys, so Quinn and Lola try to fix her problem by using a hypnotis technique."
"The girls can no longer relax on the boy's dorm roof, thanks to Logan. To solve this problem, they must prove that boys can act the same with girls around. So, they transform Lola into 'Steve' and Steve goes to live with Chase and Logan."
"Zoey challenges some computer geeks to a Bot battle, but first they must build a Bot to compete. So the gang asks Quinn for help, but when Logan makes fun of her and everyone laughs, she decides not to help. So, they ask the smartest guy at PCA to help, but on one condition: Nicole must go on a date with him."
"When Lola develops a crush on Chase, Zoey and Chase are forced to address their relationship. With some advice from Michael, Chase decides to say \"yes\" to the date and forgets all the things that he planned to do with Zoey. This makes Zoey feel jealous and upset. Meanwhile, Logan teaches Dustin how to impress the ladies."
"Spring Break-Up is the first Zoey 101 TV movie and the movie is about Zoey and the gang going to Logan's Beach House for Spring Break finding out that they are on the testing of Logan's dads new show called: \"Gender Defenders\". Meanwhile, Chase sends a text message by mistake to Zoey confessing his love for her."
"Zoey and the gang go to Logan's beach house for Spring Break and finding out that they are on the testing of Logan's dad's new show called \"Gender Defenders\". They compete in many challenges to see which team, the boys or the girls, wins. It is then revealed that both teams are already on the show, and it has been filming by hidden cameras. The gang then throws a party for the first airing of the show. At the party, Chase decides to get over his fear of telling Zoey of his love for her. He then sends her a text saying \"I love you.\" After this, we see that Zoey left her communicator, which were given to all of the contestants on \"Gender Defenders\" sitting on a ledge next to a fountain. Zoey's communicator receives the message, but is knocked into the water fountain because it was set to vibrate. In the last scene, Chase sees that Zoey does not have her communicator and wonders where it is, but does not find out."
"After a fire burns down Sushi Rox, Zoey and the gang hold a people auction to raise money in order to rebuild it. Chase and Michael get auctioned to the sushi-crazy gym teacher. Zoey, Lola, and Nicole become Logan's personal cheerleaders, and they are told to \"cheer his awesomeness\", as in cheer for everything he does. His plan backfires when the girls decide to cheer for everything he does."
"Quinn's pet alpaca, Otis, is depressed because he misses her, leaving her feeling depressed as well. The girls then decide to try and cheer her up by throwing an alpaca-themed party. However, this only made her miss Otis even more and she left PCA to meet with him, which could get her suspended as it is the middle of the semester. Meanwhile, the guys make a bet to see who can go the longest without saying anything containing the letter 'S' and the person who loses has to run across the campus wearing nothing but a bikini top, a hula skirt, and a flashing red helmet."
Season 3 - Zoey 101
"Another new year at PCA leads to surprises including the heart breaking news that Nicole will not be attending PCA this year because of her OMGD (obsessive male gender disorder). Thus, Nicole is sent to an all-girls school. After everyone settles into their new rooms, Chase tells Zoey he wants to talk with her privately. Lola and Quinn tell Zoey that Chase wants to tell her he's in love with her, but Zoey doesn't believe them. Meanwhile, Michael and Logan are fighting for the single bed in their new room. Chase decides not to ruin his friendship with Zoey, so he decides not to have a crush on her anymore by dating a new girl, Rebecca."
"A shocking ending from \"Surprise\" leads to yet another plot twist. Chase's girlfriend, Rebecca, seems really sweet, until she tells Zoey to stay away from Chase. After Chase learns about this, he must make a decision: Rebecca or Zoey. Meanwhile, Quinn is helping Logan with his free throws in basketball. Also, a new girl named Stacey Dillson gets her cotton swab dream house wrecked by Chase."
"A new \"hot\" Dean fills in for Dean Rivers because Dustin,Quinn, and Dustin's friends hit Dean Rivers with a model airplane by mistake.. Meanwhile, the girls' Dorm Advisor Coco has just been dumped by her boyfriend, Carl. Zoey and her friends set up Dean Taylor and Coco on a date at Sushi Rox because Coco keeps complaining about Carl."
"For the first time in Zoey 101, Zoey Brooks struggles with a class, Chemistry, where she scores a \"C\" on a test. She is given a new tutor; to her surprise, her tutor is Logan who happens to be one of the best pupils. Zoey starts learning Chemistry with Logan behind her friends' backs. All of her friends become suspicious, especially Chase. Chase tries to find out why, so Logan lies and says that Zoey is going out with him."
"This time on Zoey 101, the Great Vince Blake appears to be the ladies' man, the best school athlete and the savior of the football team. He helped PCA advance to the state championships. Little do people know though, he is in fact a cheater as Chase catches him taking pictures of a history test with his cell phone. Chase must choose not to tell and let Vince cheat more or make PCA lose its biggest football game. Logan, Michael, and the football team convince him not to tell, but Zoey thinks he should. Meanwhile, Zoey, Lola, Quinn, and Mark put healthy snacks, called Moonbars, to try and persuade the students to stop eating junk food."
"Zoey, Michael, and Lola are invited into a secret society at PCA. Chase is also invited to join, but he refuses. Meanwhile, Logan desperately wants to join and even pretends to be Chase in order to do so, but his disguise is quickly revealed. Then Logan starts to make his own club, The Logan X, which becomes unsuccessful. Also, Quinn acts weird around the new girl in school, Sara; it seems she's hiding something every time she's near her."
"After developing a crush on Lisa (Lisa Tucker), Michael becomes too nervous to perform in the Open Mic night, causing him to throw up on her and making Lisa like another guy. Can Michael still get the girl of his dreams? Meanwhile, Logan and Chase are having a go-kart race."
"After seeing Zoey stopping a fight, the wrestling coach wants Zoey to join the team. But then when days pass, she doesn't get a chance to wrestle anyone. Then later on, she finds out that she will be wrestling in the tournament and facing the undefeated champion, Chuck Javers. Meanwhile, Lola wants to be a reporter and, thanks to Quinn, gets to be a commentator for the wrestling match."
"Zoey and her friends must write a secret and tie it to a balloon for psychology class. However, Zoey's balloon gets stuck in a tree, and someone finds and learns Zoey's secret. The mysterious person begins blackmailing her, forcing Zoey to do various, cruel tasks. Who is blackmailing her? Meanwhile, Stacey gets a huge bout of bad luck."
"Chase's birthday is coming up but he's too busy writing a 5000 word paper to even care. When Zoey hears Chase and his grandmother share the same birthday she thinks she has the perfect gift for him, to bring his grandmother to PCA. Logan and Michael argue about the theme of Chase's party. However, the plan falls apart when Chase hears that his grandmother dies. Zoey hears it from Michael and she goes to comfort Chase even in the heavy rainstorm happening during the scene."
"Zoey's date gets put on hold when the girls are quarantined in their room because Quinn made her own germ and spilled it all over the floor. Quinn calls some biology experts and is told that they have to stay in their room in order for the germ not to spread throughout the campus. While Zoey, Chase, Lola, Michael, Quinn, and Logan are quarantined, they all have problems. Meanwhile, Quinn thinks Mark is cheating on her."
"Chase sells Zoey a \"fada model #115\" radio for $5 and a coupon for a free taco. Then Chase finds out it's worth $10,000 and wants it back, but Zoey won't give it back. When Chase tries to steal the radio at 2:00 in the morning, Zoey nails him with a pie. Quinn wants to kiss Mark."
"A science star named Paige considers attending PCA and is going to install her new energy converter to make PCA run on Paige-power. This upsets Quinn so she decides to rebel when she realizes that she may no longer be the smartest girl on campus and she gives up science. Meanwhile, Michael thinks he's going crazy, but it was a joke for a class project."
"Michael and Logan must help Chase become a wonderful dancer before the dance contest to dance with Zoey. Lola wants to get the main role in a play, but in the meantime, she tricks a British guy to get a date with him. Also, Michael and Logan and Quinn try to be customer of the week to get free coffee."
"Zoey's dad signs a permission slip, allowing Zoey to go off campus to meet her favorite author. She asks Coco and Coco says she'll do it, but she has to do a favor for her. After this, it becomes a chain of favors. But can Zoey do it on time before it's too late? After Quinn admits to losing her \"Quindows QP\" a chain of events happen which lead to everything going wrong. Can Zoey still meet her favorite author?"
"After a deceased relative of Zoey's sends her tons of boxes of ribs, Zoey, Chase, Micheal, and Logan agree to have a rib cook-off. After a fierce feud between Micheal and Logan, they decide to compete against each other with Zoey on Micheal's team, and Chase on Logan's. Quinn accidentally blows Mark's eyebrows off in an experiment gone awry."
"When Chase, Zoey, Logan, Quinn, Michael and Lola hear about the legend of a former PCA student (Charles Galloway) that fled to Redstone Gulch because of an extremely hard exam, they decide to go check it out for themselves, along with help from Lola's crush. While there, they find the necklace of Charles Galloway. Logan steals the student's necklace and puts it in Zoey's backpack, causing a violent thunderstorm to form and a green cloud to come after Zoey and the others. Zoey must help save PCA by getting to Redstone Gulch and placing the necklace back where it came from. This is the second Zoey 101 TV movie."
"After bringing up the legend of a former PCA student named Charles Galloway (Jeff Norkin), who fled to the wilderness above PCA at a place called Redstone Gulch because of an extremely hard test, the gang decides to go check it out for themselves, with help from Lola's crush, Leif, who then gets himself and Lola lost in the wilderness. There, they find the necklace of Charles L. Galloway. When the gang refuses to let Logan keep the necklace, which he says will be evidence that they proved the legend true, and make them famous at PCA, he steals it and puts it in Zoey's backpack, causing a violent thunderstorm to form a green cloud to come after Zoey and the others which causes Zoey to break her ankle. Zoey must help save PCA by getting to Redstone Gulch and placing the necklace back where it came from. This is the second Zoey 101 two-part episode."
"After bringing up the legend of a former PCA student named Charles Galloway (Jeff Norkin), who fled to the wilderness above PCA at a place called Redstone Gulch because of an extremely hard test, the gang decides to go check it out for themselves, with help from Lola's crush, Leif, who then gets himself and Lola lost in the wilderness. There, they find the necklace of Charles L. Galloway. When the gang refuses to let Logan keep the necklace, which he says will be evidence that they proved the legend true, and make them famous at PCA, he steals it and puts it in Zoey's backpack, causing a violent thunderstorm to form a green cloud to come after Zoey and the others which causes Zoey to break her ankle. Zoey must help save PCA by getting to Redstone Gulch and placing the necklace back where it came from. This is the second Zoey 101 two-part episode."
"Zoey starts dating Dean Rivers' son. Meanwhile, Logan makes a dance video for girls so they can dance with him from the TV. Chase and Michael struggle to make 26 more cartoons for the end of the month, and end up getting sued by Friday Night Live for their idea of two bowling pins afraid of a bowling ball rolling towards them."
"Zoey starts dating Dean Rivers' son. Meanwhile, Logan makes a dance video for girls so they can dance with him from the TV. Chase and Michael struggle to make 26 more cartoons for the end of the month, and end up getting sued by Friday Night Live for their idea of two bowling pins afraid of a bowling ball rolling towards them."
"There is a contest to see who can keep their hand on a Blix van for the longest. The winner gets a private Blix jet for two to anywhere in the world, and many people are determined that they can win. Logan tries to win by lying about breaking his leg, scaring students off and sneezing on their hands. Meanwhile, Quinn uses a breath spray she made to cure her bad breath, but the side effect makes her laugh non-stop; Lola kisses Mark, which cures her. Michael and Lisa break up when Michael makes fun of Lisa's necklace, but they get back together. Eventually, only Zoey and Logan are left. They stay in the contest for 23 hours and 57 minutes, but Zoey ends the contest by saying that if both of them take their hands off at the same time, they both win. They count to three and Logan takes his off, but Zoey does not and she wins."
"Logan is in trouble when his dad discovers that he's purchased a $327,000 car without his permission. That's when Mr. Reese steps in and takes control. He takes away Logan's valuables, such as closing his bank account and cutting his credit card in half. When Zoey, Lola and Chase see that Logan is in desperate need of help, Zoey does Logan's laundry, Lola helps him with his hair, Chase types out his report, and they all try to teach Logan how to fend for himself with no money, But realize he got his money back and Zoey, Lola, And Chase are still helping him. Meanwhile, Michael says he can get out of any difficultly tied ropes, so Mark and Quinn tie him up to see what he can do. Does he have the skills he says he has?"
"Zoey, Chase, and Stacey take a walk down memory lane when prospective new students question them about their experiences attending PCA. Stacey becomes upset when no one asks her any questions. Questions for Zoey and Chase include queries about dating, science and technology, dress codes, among many other things."
"Zoey's parents come for an unexpected visit to PCA, tell Zoey and Dustin that they are moving to England. Zoey's dad's business is starting a new branch in London so they need to be there for awhile. When offered to accompany the parents to London and attend Covington Preparatory School, an expensive boarding school located in the city, Dustin quickly declines the offer because he is seeing someone, but Zoey decides to think about it first. Although Zoey treasures Chase's opinion, Chase had heard the rumor before Zoey gets a chance to tell him about the news. This leads Chase to bitterly convince Zoey that she should go to London, and she decides to leave PCA. Before she leaves she gives a sad moment saying goodbye to Lola, Quinn, Michael, Logan, Mark, Dustin, and Stacey. Chase, however, doesn't come to say goodbye. After she leaves, Michael confronts Chase and explains that if he told Zoey to stay at PCA, she would have. Chase tries to stop Zoey from leaving, but with no success, ending the episode."
"No description"
Season 4 - Zoey 101
"Zoey returns to PCA, hoping to tell Chase how she feels about him, but her friends have shocking news to tell her: Chase has recently moved away from PCA to find her. After Chase and Zoey get to meet, they agree to go on a \"video chat date\". Even with Zoey's communications problems and Chase's obnoxious roommate,Colin. Chase manages to tell Zoey \"I love you\". Zoey agrees too by returning Chase her own love. However, they wait due to the problems of having a long-distance relationship and decide to move on until Chase moves back to PCA so they can be together. Guest Star: Sean Flynn"
"Michael and Logan try to fool the housing lady into making a fake Chase in order to avoid getting a new roommate. Zoey accidentally gets Coco fired and tries to help her get her job back. Meanwhile, Dean Rivers hires Mira, the new dorm advisor. However, she has a problem: she steals everything that she sees. So, Dean Rivers fires Mira and Coco is hired again, but she isn't seen at the end of the show. Before leaving, Mira also steals Dean Rivers' car."
"When the gangs' spring break trip to Yosemite National Park is canceled, they get to stay on PCA campus and have fun with no-one else around. However, Dean Rivers later accuses them of vandalism."
"A new guy moves into Chase's room and catches Zoey's eye. Rumors begin to go around that Zoey has a crush on him."
"Much to Zoey's dismay, Dustin is Logan's new assistant. However, the job is short-lived after Logan leaves Dustin an angry voicemail. Soon, everybody hears the message, and learns about Logan and his temper. Dean Rivers sentences Logan to anger management classes. While Logan learns that he can get out of the classes if he can just keep his cool, Zoey is not about to let that happen . Meanwhile, Lola is disgusted and furious to learn that the peanuts she ate were from Peanut Lemon-Ms that Quinn had spat out."
"Quinn and Mark agree to take a break from each other, but Quinn becomes upset when she later sees Mark with another girl. Meanwhile, a horse begins following Michael around campus."
"Zoey is running The Big Walk, a charity walk-a-thon at PCA, and everyone is getting sponsors to donate. When Lola pledges more money than she can handle, only Zoey can help her. But after visiting the scary head of the charity organization, Zoey breaks it to Lola that they need to come up with the missing money or else. Meanwhile, Quinn and Logan are beginning to realize that they don't hate each other. But when Michael may have seen too much, they have to make sure that he and everyone else knows just how much they still dislike each other."
"The gang is surprised to find that former bully, Vince Blake is back at PCA. The girls decide to just ignore him, which is harder for some than others, but the guys think it's time for some revenge."
"Zoey and James are finding it difficult to get some time alone. Zoey wants to go on a date with just James and none of their friends. Meanwhile, Logan and Quinn are tired of all of the sneaking around, and they plan a romantic dinner. Both couples, however, find their plans backfiring in unexpected ways as their night gets a little too crowded."
"The Dean bans coffee carts on campus after an accident involving his wife, resulting in a war of the sexes when the girls and guys each try to come up with a scheme to circumvent the new rule."
"Zoey's Physics teacher decides to take the class on a field trip to go on a roller coaster, and all the students are ecstatic, except for Michael. He's got a big problem, but will the gang be able to help him out, and will Lisa stand by his side?"
"The end of the school year is approaching, and that means Prom is too! Zoey is going to spend her summer in Maui, but when James offers to come along, her reaction isn't what he expected. Quinn and Logan want to go to prom, but they want to keep their secret safe too, so they decide to pick each other's dates -- the result is not what either of them expected. Meanwhile, Lola is made head of prom committee, and all she wants is to arrive fashionably late, but will she be able to?"