The Legend of Prince Valiant

The Legend of Prince Valiant is an American animated television series based on the Prince Valiant comic strip created by Hal Foster. Set in the time of King Arthur, it's a family-oriented adventure show about an exiled prince who goes on a quest to become one of the Knights of the Round Table. He begins his quest after having a dream about Camelot and its idealistic New Order. This television series originally aired on The Family Channel from 1991 to 1994 for a total run of 65 episodes.

Season 1 - The Legend of Prince Valiant
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09 Sep 1991
"While traveling toward Camelot, Valiant encounters Arn, a young man living in the woods who offers him food. He has never heard of Camelot but goes after Valiant when he enters the dangerous marsh nearby to ensure he comes out ali..."
16 Sep 1991
"Valiant and Arn stop in the village of Bridgeford and meet Rowanne, a young spirited woman spurning the advances of the immoral sheriff, Robert Draconarius, whom Valiant bests in combat. Robert and his men try to damage the forge ..."
23 Sep 1991
"As the journey to Camelot continues, Rowanne is captured by a Bridgeforder seeking to earn some money by returning to the village with her and collecting the reward Duncan offered to a ..."
30 Sep 1991
"While giving chase to a not-quite-dead wild boar, Valiant stumbles into a booby-trapped cave occupied by a mad Viking named Tor who seems convinced Valiant wishes to attack him. Valiant ..."
06 Oct 1991
"Valiant, Arn, and Rowanne finally reach their destination and are prepared to present King Arthur with Tor's ring to announce the Vikings' offer of peace. But they have the ring stolen from them and are locked up by a guard. Upon ..."
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20 Oct 1991
"After Rowanne has a series of troubling dreams she interprets to mean that all is not well at Bridgeford, she returns with Arn. Eventually, Valiant follows and learns that Duncan's attempts..."
27 Oct 1991
"King Arthur's half-sister Lady Morgana is in Camelot for Sir Mordred's return with yet another story of victory (against the Vikings), but Valiant senses something evil about him and is ..."
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08 Dec 1991
"While the fierce King Ian of Kengary is visiting Camelot, the Draconarius brothers arrive seeking shelter. Arthur is disgusted to have them there since his former friend Duncan was jealous ..."
16 Dec 1991
"Camelot hosts a tournament for many knights from abroad to choose new members for the Round Table. Sir Harold, a knight with many stories of his exploits to tell including one of a legendary battle, gives Arn encouragement that he..."
23 Dec 1991
"While King Arthur and Queen Guinevere are away, Merlin is in charge and continues their just policies, though they are unpopular with one nobleman who approaches Morgana. She slips a potion into Merlin's drink that causes him to f..."
30 Dec 1991
"Valiant and Arn go on a mission led by a reluctant Sir Gawain to meet Sir Percival near an old Roman fortress guarded by a supposedly-mad man after King Arthur receives a warning from him concerning security. Gawain wants to rest ..."
14 Jan 1992
"A gala takes place at Camelot to honor Sir Gawain and Sir Bryant, the heroes of the Canonwolde siege. However, Valiant and Arn, ordered to polish the saddles and repair the carriages in the stables, won't be able to attend the fes..."
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28 Jan 1992
"King Arthur has Valiant lead a party, including Rowanne, escorting Duncan to Kengary so King Ian may punish him for causing Derek's death. Word reaches Camelot just after that Kengary is now in civil war with Derek's clan fighting..."
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09 Mar 1992
"Valiant, Arn, and Rowanne regroup with the army and set sail for Thule. But Valiant wonders if when the battle is over he should live once more with his family or return to Camelot to become a Knight of the Round Table and serve K..."
Season 2 - The Legend of Prince Valiant
02 Oct 1992
"Valiant sets out with Arn, Rowanne and a group of Camelot soldiers to gather information about Mordred's army that is gathering in the south."
"No description"
16 Oct 1992
"While King Arthur and some of the knights are meeting with Lot of Lothien, a former rival, to form an alliance, one of their soldiers is wounded by Saxon invaders but they are unaware that there is treachery closer by. Merlin is a..."
23 Oct 1992
"Prince Valiant receives an invitation to the wedding of an earl's daughter in a distant territory. In the forest near the earl's castle, a band of thieves, led by the giant Horack, ambush Val."
30 Oct 1992
"Valiant and Denys visit Cassington, which harbors an unknown flutist who enchants the court with a soulful song, and whose king, Donnvan, is famous for keeping peace. But while there, they learn a dark secret. They are appalled to..."
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20 Nov 1992
"While Camelot celebrates the Christmas season, Valiant, Arn and Rowanne are dispatched to help end the conflict between warring tribespeople."
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04 Dec 1992
"Gawain, Val, Arn and Rowanne are sent by King Arthur north of Hadrian's Wall to make a treaty with a tribe. Upon arriving, the tribespeople are unfriendly and avoid them."
11 Dec 1992
"Rowanne, Val and Arn are sent to a destroyed village where Harold, the imposter knight, lives with his family."
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25 Dec 1992
"Valiant, Arn and Rowanne judge a tournament for youths from throughout Camelot to become squires to its knights. A late arrival named Fiona tells Rowanne that her pursuit of knighthood is ..."
01 Jan 1993
"Valiant, Rowanne, and Bryant are called to settle a dispute between two villages, one under Camelot's domain, over whether to preserve a landmark tree or cut it down so a bridge may be ..."
08 Jan 1993
"King Hugo, an exiled enemy of King Arthur, surprisingly sends a plea for help to Camelot against invaders. Valiant, Arn, and Rowanne are among those who make the journey to his island home...."
29 Jan 1993
"Valiant is distraught over Aleta's departure for the Misty Isles, and asks King Arthur to send him on a mission that will take his mind off his broken heart."
05 Feb 1993
"Aleta is about to leave Camelot to try to make peace with and talk sense into Hugo, but Valiant finds it out through a meeting he was forced to attend as she was about to tell him. After hearing King Arthur advise him to take care..."
19 Feb 1993
"Valiant, Arn, and Rowanne accompany Queen Guinevere to her best friend Queen Eleonora's silver jubilee. But the trip soon becomes unpleasant as they learn that Elenora, still mourning her husband Desmond, has become brutal in her ..."
05 Mar 1993
"King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, the knights, and Arn travel to Velquin to establish a treaty with King Edward, who is unfamiliar with their system of justice but more open to it than his ..."
12 Mar 1993
"Valiant, Arn, Rowanne, and Denys go abroad to collect some trees for Merlin, there watching then getting to meet Raymond of Longport, a renowned tournament fighter who is Denys' idol. ..."
19 Mar 1993
09 Apr 1993
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