The Innocent Man

In a story that gained national attention with John Grisham’s best-selling non-fiction book, The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town, the six-part documentary series The Innocent Man focuses on two murders that shook the small town of Ada, Oklahoma, in the 1980s — and the controversial chain of events that followed.

Season 1 - The Innocent Man
"A young woman is found brutally murdered in 1982 in Ada, Oklahoma. Two years later, another woman goes missing, sparking rumors of a connection."
"Tommy recounts his conversation with police about Denice's disappearance. Authorities pursue leads in Debbie's murder while her mom struggles to cope."
"Citing new and previously withheld evidence, lawyers from the Innocence Project appeal the murder convictions of Ron and Dennis."
"An autopsy reveals a stunning contradiction to Tommy and Karl's confession. Also, an investigative reporter canvases Ada for leads."
"While investigating the other possible suspects in Denice's murder, a reporter learns that getting people to talk can be tricky."
"Tommy's attorneys prepare a new appeal. John Grisham speaks about what drew him to the stories surrounding the murders in Ada."