Scarecrow and Mrs. King

Scarecrow and Mrs. King is an American television series that aired from October 3, 1983, to May 28, 1987 on CBS. The show stars Kate Jackson and Bruce Boxleitner as divorced housewife Amanda King and top-level "Agency" operative Lee Stetson who begin a strange association, and eventual romance, after encountering one another in a train station.

Season 1 - Scarecrow and Mrs. King
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10 Oct 1983
"Amanda and Lee pose as a married couple to foil a weapon smuggling ring and solve the disappearance of an American housewife."
17 Oct 1983
"When an old friend of Lee's loses it in the Bull pen and fires his gun randomly, Lee gets his knee broken trying to save him. He is therefore stuck in a hospital while he's recovering, ..."
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07 Nov 1983
"The parents of a prodigy child are kidnapped and held captive in an attempt to coerce him and Lee and Amanda are charged with keeping him safe- which turns out to be very difficult."
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05 Dec 1983
"Amanda is asked to go undercover as a sports reporter to convey intelligence from Lee- who is undercover as a football player to catch a political assassin."
19 Dec 1983
"On Christmas Eve, Amanda is asked to pretend to be the long lost daughter of a turncoat to try and convince him to stay with the US. But the man in question is sought by two trained KGB thugs and they get trapped in the turncoat's cabin."
09 Jan 1984
"After several agents are murdered and Lee is marked as the next victim, he fakes his death to track down the killer- and only Amanda and Billy know the truth."
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30 Jan 1984
"The terrorists planning to destroy Arlington, Amanda's town, and frame the king of their homeland kidnap her to try and find out what information she knows about their operation. However, ..."
06 Feb 1984
"Amanda is asked to meet a Hungarian woman- who turns out to look exactly like Francine. Magda Petrak is a defector and Amanda is asked to shelter the surprisingly unpleasant woman in her ..."
13 Feb 1984
"When the third attempt to capture a dangerous Bulgarian spy fails, the secretive Blue Leader covertly assigns Lee to Internal Investigations to check out his colleagues and figure out which one is a traitor."
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19 Mar 1984
"When a courier of Lee's damages Amanda's car a convoluted plot involving spies, government secrets and amateur documentaries is exposed."
26 Mar 1984
"When Dotty is accidentally given a book containing encrypted secrets instead of a treasured book for Phillip's birthday, Amanda's life is put in jeopardy."
23 Apr 1984
"Lee asks Amanda to go undercover with him as his wife at the exclusive Cumberland hotel to foil a kidnapping- only they don't know who the intended target is."
07 May 1984
"Amanda inadvertently befriends a kind, elderly lady- who turns out to be a very important Russian Princess who is standing up for freedom and peace. Now, Amanda and Lee must protect her ..."
Season 2 - Scarecrow and Mrs. King
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08 Oct 1984
"After Amanda wins a trip to Munich she is put on assignment to help a German terrorist come home."
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26 Nov 1984
"After being accused of sleeping with a married English Baron while on a mission with Lee, Amanda stays at the Baron's mansion to dispel the rumours."
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04 Feb 1985
"A blackmailed Senator is the focus of an aggressive lobbyist and Amanda witnesses the resulting murder."
11 Feb 1985
"When Lee's Uncle is accused of failing his men and getting them killed, Lee and Amanda try to clear his name and protect him from a traitor."
18 Feb 1985
"Amanda and Francine go undercover as maids to try and track down evidence against the mob."
25 Feb 1985
"An Amanda look-a-like assassin is sent after Lee by an enemy from 7 years ago."
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01 Apr 1985
"When a friendly agent is accidentally given Amanda's ID for an undercover mission and is killed, Amanda's life gets very complicated."
08 Apr 1985
"Lee starts to show the signs of burn out and begins meeting a man who has been linked to the disappearances and presumed deaths of three other burnt out agents."
06 May 1985
"Amanda takes a new job with a security firm- and is quickly accused of murder just as a foreign King visits Washington."
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Season 3 - Scarecrow and Mrs. King
23 Sep 1985
"Amanda is assigned to the surveillance of an art treasurer whose sister has been recently kidnapped."
30 Sep 1985
"An old tragedy for Lee resurfaces as he starts seeing a dead woman and several other women of his acquaintance are murdered."
07 Oct 1985
"A mother who is involved in a demonstration for fishing limits is accused of killing a congressman and Amanda fights for her cause."
14 Oct 1985
"Lee's old mentor goes into hiding when an old letter clearing him of being a double agent is stolen and he asks Amanda to find it for him."
21 Oct 1985
"Amanda is asked to babysit an eccentric accountant from England who has an interesting conspiracy theory."
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11 Nov 1985
"When an old banker friend of Billy's is killed he leaves to investigate something called 'Cyclops'. Lee and Amanda investigate the case and Francine gets stressed doing Billy's job."
18 Nov 1985
"After several old files are revealed in the newspapers Lee searches for the culprit and the old files of J. Edger Hoover."
25 Nov 1985
"An old reporter friend of Lee's, recently blinded, insists her dead husband is alive and has evidence against corrupt officials in Santa Maria."
02 Dec 1985
"Amanda's ex husband and the father of her sons Joe King is accused of murdering the Estocian Prime Minister and Lee has to investigate him."
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27 Jan 1986
"Lee and Amanda deal with several disappearances at an Agency retirement home that may be linked to an old, highly classified mission."
10 Feb 1986
"When Amanda is accidentally given a pay check for $100,000 it leads her and Lee to a dirty trick squad within the Agency."
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10 Mar 1986
"An eccentric King, months from death, comes to the states looking for his long lost son as someone else tries to kill him to gain control of his country."
31 Mar 1986
"When Amanda is involved in a fender bender she accidentally reveals a supposedly dead terrorist as living and preparing to strike at an Embassy gathering."
07 Apr 1986
"Lee and Amanda are forced to work with Russian and Chinese spies to recover some stolen detonators."
12 May 1986
"A Russian puppet master manipulates a love struck playwright and Amanda acts on stage."
Season 4 - Scarecrow and Mrs. King
19 Sep 1986
"As the US and her enemy countries enter War Games an old nemesis of Lee's frames him."
26 Sep 1986
"Lee and Amanda are in hiding, looking for Alexi and Sonja while the Agency looks for them- and defection starts to look appealing."
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10 Oct 1986
"A desperate would-be defector is put in trouble because of his mind and politics get in the way of saving his life."
17 Oct 1986
"An ecological stunt gets out of hand when an overeager but well meaning activist beats a top secret system and gains the attention of the Libyans."
31 Oct 1986
"Amanda is kidnapped by a Saudi Arabian terrorist who tortures her for information about one of Lee's contacts."
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21 Nov 1986
"An old Vietnamese double agent friend of Lee's fakes his death and betrayal to get his son back."
05 Dec 1986
"A reporter friend of Lee's gets mixed up in a convoluted plot to get headlines by destroying a valuable mineral."
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23 Jan 1987
"When a dead body is found with a passport saying Lee Stetson a phony passport ring is uncovered."
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13 Feb 1987
"An old irritant from Lee's past and some missing paintings throws a spanner in Lee and Amanda's wedding plans."
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