Moral Orel

Orel is an 11-year-old boy who loves church. His unbridled enthusiasm for piousness and his misinterpretation of religious morals often lead to disastrous results, including self-mutilation and crack addiction. No matter how much trouble he gets into, his reverence always keeps him cheery.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 12m

Release: 2005

Rating: 8.0

Season 1 - Moral Orel
"After Reverend Putty teaches Orel that Jesus will one day return to the earth, he believes that his younger brother, Shapey, is the second coming of Christ. Orel's parents plan for their divorce, and Christmas looks set to be an unhappy one."
"After learning that God's greatest gift is life, Orel recruits his friend Doughy to help protect that gift. A library book, a graveyard full of dead townsfolk, and Orel's convictions spell trouble for the population of Moralton."
"Orel Puppington learns that God doesn't look kindly on the wasteful. After lessons from Coach Stopframe and his father, he sets out with two goals in mind. Orel must stop his own wastefulness, and ensure he doesn't end up the failure his father predicts of him. Will he succeed, or will he upset the townsfolk once again?"
"After Orel is taught that the Christian way is to help the poor, he befriends a homeless crack dealer. The homeless man offers a gift in return, and well - it just wouldn't be polite to refuse. Good Christians aren't wasteful either, and Orel does his fair share to ensure the town's crack supply doesn't go to waste."
"Orel learns that God is present in everyone and everything. He ends up excusing himself from school, and going on a trip across town believing that he is able to stop people from sinning and heal them."
"Orel learns that people should do everything they can to keep their wives happy. He goes around town and asks women including his mother, what they want."
"Halloween is boring for Orel when he believes that he doesn't have anything to fear since God is with him at all times. Hoping to get scared, Orel decides to make God angry with him by breaking all 10 Commandments."
"After getting shot in the eye with Shapey's BB gun, Orel's father tells him to be more repsonsible and mature. In order to learn more about maturity, Orel goes to the local pub and drinks alcohol which is known to him as \"Maturity Juice\"."
"After running into Orel at church, Coach Stopframe asks if Orel would become Bible Buddies with his nephew Joe, who isn't settled into christianity yet. Despite Joe doing bad things for fun, Orel believes that it he should be a loyal friend and go along with it."
"In order to masturbate and still go to heaven, Orel has a scheme that turns Moralton topsy-turvy"
Season 2 - Moral Orel
"When the young Italian Figurelli boy, Billy, gets hurt, Orel tries to put a band-aid on him with the same color as God's skin but the band-aid doesn't blend in with Billy's skin color. However, the band-aid's blend in with other kid's skins just fine. This leads Orel to prompt the city of Moralton to segregate God's people from the Figurelli's, the only Italian-American family in the town. But this, however leads to a form of reverse racism. Soon the Figurelli's special treatment gets too out of hand for the other citizens of Moralton & they begin to go on a rampage! Now it's up to Orel's Father to set things right."
"Orel befriends a stray dog and Bloberta allows Orel to keep it. After a while, the two grow very attached and Orel becomes worried that he's loving his dog Bartholomew more than Jesus. Bartholomew quickly spreads enough love around Moralton that convinces the adults that he is a danger."
"Coach Stopframe goes to a meeting of a Satanic cult, taking Orel with him. However, Coach Stopframe is turned off from the cult when he sees that everyone in the meeting is overweight, wandering around in the nude, and devouring junk food refreshments."
"Orel solves problems using logic. After the money from collection at church is stolen, he sets out to find out who took the money, only to discover a bigger mystery involving his mother."
"Miss Censordoll takes Orel under her wing."
"Orel's friend, Tommy, is placed in the 'Special Retarded Education' program."
"After listening to Reverand Putty's sermon, Orel realises that pleasure is not righteous and starts to avoid it. Soon after, he then finds pain to be an alternative."
"A new family, the Posabule's, move in next door to the Puppingtons, and Orel becomes infactuated with their daughter, Christina. However, after a little altercation between the families, he is banned from seeing her."
"Orel learns about the significance of religious symbolism. In an accident, Dr. Chosenberg gets an image of Jesus in a wound. Nobody from the town wants to treat it because they see it as a sign from Heaven."
"After spending many nights alone, Reverend Putty sets his sights on Stephanie, but how will things work out between them?"
"Orel is chosen by Principal Fakey to represent Diorama Elementary in the Praying Bee competition. Stressing out and unable to pray, Orel finds himself turning to the Buddhist method of meditation."
"After learning that Principal Fakey is doing something wrong, Orel goes to his father to find out about wrong-doing authority figures. There, he learns that repression is the antidote to everything."
"After listening to a record by Presbo the Clown about turning the other cheek, Orel continually allows himself to be beaten up by Walt, the school bully."
"During a Pious Scouts camping trip, Orel discovers man's missing link and then learns the meaning of Geniusis; the worded combination about the genius of the Bible's Genesis story."
"Doughy becomes infatuated with Miss Sculptham when she is only using him to gain gifts. Meanwhile, Orel learns a valuable lesson about man and woman relationships."
"Orel tries out for the lead role in the School Pageant, however he has some stiff competition."
"Reverend Putty realises that there are no sinners left in Moralton, and begins to feel lost. Orel, wanting to help, imports a number of new lost souls from the neighbouring town for Reverend Putty to save."
"Orel holds a premiere of his new stop-motion animated film in his back yard for a number of the leading authority figures of Moralton."
"Clay takes his son, Orel, on a camping trip."
"Clay and Orel continue their father and son hunting trip."
Season 3 - Moral Orel
"While Clay and Orel are on their camping trip, Bloberta keeps herself busy, and finds time to reunite with Shapey"
"During events that take place two weeks before Orel's hunting trip with his father, Clay bans him from Church because he let his friends cut him when in the bath. After a near death experience, Orel appears to be in hell before being saved, and then becomes obsessed with dying in order to get closer to God.\n\n(NOTE This Is The First Darker Moral Orel Episode Ever)"
"The show begins with the townspeople realizing that the song Orel sang in the school musical is blasphemous and conclude that they may have been giving him bad advice. They agree to avoid giving him advice. Eventually Danielle inadvertently advises him to bathe in the blood of the innocent to purify himself. It ends with Orel bathing in blood he has collected from the towns children and provides the background for the beginning of the episode grounded."
"While Orel is on the hunting trip, the lives of Ms. Sculptham, Ms. Censordoll and Nurse Bendy are shown in disturbing detail."
"This episode happens before Nature I and Nature II. Doughy is first seen playing baseball with himself. After an injury he consoles his parents for a bandage only to be shoved away. Seeing various father's bonding with children, Doughy becomes more depressed.When seeing a father and son squirrel, he throws a rock at them and claims he feels no remorse for his actions. Upon walking he hears gunshots and darts down, Orel and Clay are practicing shooting. Orel being a poor shot is scolded by Clay. Doughy comes up and decides to try shooting, being a much better marksman then Orel. He claims this is because he feels unimportant and invisible he is able to focus and shows little remorse at the idea of killing something. Since this happens before the eventful hunting trip, Clay insists Orel keeps the gun twenty-four hours a day until he learns to use it. Later he tells Doughy to help him, in this event Doughy seeks out Clay's approval and craves attention, so happily takes the task. A nervous tick in Orel causes him to accidentally shoot off the gun when upset, the only way he seems able to hit anything is when he feels this way. Seeing this as a means to get more praise from Clay, Doughy sets out to upset Orel. Eventually Orel is phased out of the family as Doughy takes his place, Clay takes a special liking to him and even shows him how to smoke. Depressed, similarly to how Doughy was in the beginning of the episode, Orel is able to shoot easily. The now melancholic Orel is not bothered by Doughy's attempts to upset him. Clay is overjoyed Orel can now shoot a gun properly he has no more use to Doughy, though Doughy attempts to take Orel's place on the hunting trip. Clay tells Doughy that he had no intention of taking him on the hunting trip, everything merely being a ploy to get Orel to learn to shoot better. It ends with Doughy once again being ignored."
"This episode tells of Joe, the resident bad kid in Moralton. The episode takes place right before and slightly after \"Nature\". Joe is the son of Dr.Secondopinionson, who is unable to participate in his son's life, due to his advanced age and increasing senility. This lack of parental authority damages Joe; he constantly derides everything around him as dumb, eats sugar constantly and does outrageous things because no one in his house has the authority to stop him."
"This episode is a flashback Bloberta has when Orel asks her why she married Clay."
"This episode, mirroring \"Help,\" is a flashback which explores Clay's relationship with his mother and father."
"This episode is about the Annual Arm's-Length dance at Orel's school."
"The episode follows the lives of two Moralton women, Florence and Dottie. Both are recently divorced single mothers with limited visitation rights to their kids. While Dottie is attractive and stuck-up, Florence is fat and frumpy. The two strike up a tenuous friendship and move into an apartment together."